
For Institutions

Stress may be taking a toll on your organization’s performance. Left unmanaged, chronic stress contributes to absenteeism, illness, and job dissatisfaction. And acute, situational stress can often lead to interpersonal tension and poor decision making. Resilient managers and employees are capable of handling stress and adversity, and adapting to new and challenging situations.

Though stress management is at the core of the program, we also incorporate aspects of interpersonal management and, emotional intelligence. Participants will learn principles and techniques for focus, emotional intelligence, leadership, relationship building, and self-mastery.

Download the HeartMath Resilience Advantage PDF for more information.

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According to extensive research, mindfulness strengthens resilience, increases concentration, improves self-acceptance and self-esteem, strengthens immune function, helps to control anger, hyperactivity, and decreases overall stress.
Because our kids are more stressed than ever, they need our help by giving them tools to cope with their challenging lives. Prolonged and/or intense stress takes a toll on children causing anxiety, depression, acting out, physical illness, and learning issues—good reasons to mitigate stress early on using a variety of forms of mindfulness.
Mindfulness creates resilience because it promotes an understanding of one’s emotions, the ability to control emotions, and a deeper sense of knowing what we are fully capable of.
Research studies have shown statistical improvements and behavioral changes in children when using these techniques and technologies in areas such as trauma, ADHD, anxiety, substance abuse and anger management.
The HeartMath biofeedback system  is designed to help these children reduce stress, control impulses and improve academic focus, including word recognition, memory, attention and problem-solving, by gaining and maintaining self-control over their emotional responses to stressful events. HeartMath for children has been implemented in approximately 2,000 school sites and in numerous private agencies and homes. It is estimated that more than 5,000 educators and clinicians have made use of HeartMath’s programs and technologies.
Kim introduces tools and strategies for youth to learn how to respond to stress in positive ways.The latest heart-brain-body neuroscience and mindfulness modalities help children to better understand what’s happening inside themselves and a range of fun and intelligent enrichment activities engages and challenges them.
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Give your managers and team members the skills they need to perform well when the going gets tough. Our training programs incorporate techniques that have been scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve clarity of mind, including:
Kim’s training programs create a positive, heightened atmosphere for results, solutions, team building, group cohesion and trust. She has a natural ability to draw the very best from people – and make them laugh – transforming mindsets and galvanizing high levels of collaboration. These training programs enable leaders and teams to realize profound results, including: improvements in communication, teamwork, employee satisfaction, staff retention; reductions in new hire drop-out rate, sick time, health care claims costs.
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Transform your culture. Transform your patient experience. Our programs have been delivered in hundreds of hospitals to thousands of employees and patients. HeartMath’s simple, practical, evidence-based tools conditions you to manage the stress response in the moment, and achieve peak-performance.
A strikingly different culture of genuine care: individuals build resilience and respond in new ways to change and emotional challenges with more presence, flow, flexibility and connection.
Valuable best practices developed over 27 years: to sustain engagement and achieve cultural shifts.
Return on investment with measurable outcomes: improvements in communication, teamwork, employee satisfaction, staff retention and patient satisfaction; reductions in new hire drop-out rate, sick time, health care claims costs.
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(Physical, Emotional and Mental Resources for Law Enforcement and First Responders)

Each day the challenges of being a first responder can take a serious toll on health, well-being and performance. That’s why the ability to build and sustain physical, emotional and mental resilience is so critical.
At HeartMath we’re committed to helping individuals from all walks of life build and sustain this capacity. It’s the reason we created the Resilience Advantage™ – Building Stress Resilience and Optimizing Performance training and mentoring programs, especially for law enforcement and other first responders just like you. you’ll see the benefits of these evidence-based programs include improvements in:
• Sleep
• Ability to maintain composure in challenging environments
• Quick judgment and adaptive thinking
• Capacity to reset after tough experiences
Download – Resilience Advantage for First Responders
Download – Police article excerpts IHM

Program Outcomes

Since 1991, HeartMath has researched and refined a set of unique tools and proprietary technology designed to measurably improve resilience, performance, health and productivity, while dramatically reducing stress. Published studies and hundreds of client outcomes confirm the effectiveness in corporate and health care settings around the world, making HeartMath the leader in stress reduction solutions. The HeartMath Programs measurably and immediately re-train the human stress response to a healthier, more productive function. Our Fortune 500 case studies substantiate the effectiveness of the program. This document highlights key health and performance outcomes in corporate, government and healthcare staff and patient populations.